Contact Information

Please contact me at or 907-333-4158

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Craft Shows!

So, I've started doing craft shows!  I'm having lots of fun, and decent success - and I keep forgetting to post when I have one coming up! 

So here we are - my next show date is November 17, 2012 - this Saturday - at 10001 Whale's Tail Circle, Anchorage, Alaska.  I think it runs from 11:00 to 4:00, and I'll be posting pictures of some of my stock in the next few days - preview note, I've been making lots and lots of elephants, in a few different sizes!

Fabric Swaps - anyone know of one?

I've heard about a new trend called the fabric swap - get a bunch of people together online, and swap various sizes of fabric as a group.  If anyone knows of one going on for charm squares or 10" squares, please let me know!  I like collecting small pieces for doing applique work.  :)

More Growth Charts - Horses, Ducks, Astronauts, Mystical Garden